Selasa, 15 Juli 2014

Late Father's Day

Sebenernya ini tulisan niatnya sih ditampilin di halaman deteksi jawa pos wkwk, tapi ga terpilih, yaudah gapapa, daripada sayang kesimpen di laptop aja...

Dearest, Papa

Kita jarang bertukar cerita, Papa lebih banyak mencari tahu kabarku dari Mama. Bahkan ketika harus menuliskan tentangnya, aku kesulitan menentukan diksi, sulit untuk menentukan alur agar pesan ini sampai dengan baik kepadanya, kepada seseorang yang bersedia bekerja dan belajar siang malam untuk masa depan keluarganya. Kepada seseorang yang telah menjadi teladan bagiku.
Memang, tidak mudah dan tidak begitu menyenangkan menjadi anak dari seseorang berlatar belakang militer. Tapi dari beliau pula aku melihat bahwa pendidikan merupakan hal yang bersifat elementer. Papa adalah orang yang sangat pintar, bahkan mungkin karena terlalu pintar, seringkali orang-orang di sekitarnya tidak bisa memahami dengan baik maksud pemikirannya. Sudah mendapatkan pekerjaan yang mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga tidak membuatnya berhenti belajar, beliau bersedia kuliah mulai dari S1 bersama orang-orang dengan rentang usia yang cukup jauh darinya, hingga sekarang sedang menjalani studi S3. Papa menunjukkan padaku bahwa tidak ada kata cukup untuk belajar.
Dahulu seringkali hati ini sakit menghadapi kerasnya karakter Papa, lelah dengan target yang beliau tentukan, bahkan ketika aku sudah mencapai target, beliau jarang memberi pujian ataupun hadiah seperti yang Papa lain lakukan pada anaknya. Hal seperti ini membuat aku menjadi orang yang tidak mudah puas, aku selalu berusaha keras untuk mendapatkan pujian dari Papa.
Sekarang, Papa sudah tidak muda lagi, ambisinya yang begitu besar sebelumnya tidak lagi menjadi hal yang utama baginya, beliau sering berterima kasih pada seberapapun pencapaian yang sudah aku raih, baginya kebahagiaan dan kebutuhanku adalah hal yang utama. Terima kasih Pa, untuk bentuk apresiasi yang Papa berikan.
Pa, kita mungkin sering berselisih jalan, berbeda pendapat, bahkan bersitegang. Maafin Ai, karena kadang terlalu sulit bagi Ai mengikuti segala arahan Papa. Mungkin karena kita memiliki karakter yang terlalu sama sehingga sulit bagi kita mengalah satu sama lain. Papa adalah cetak biru karakter yang Ai miliki sekarang, adalah hal yang mustahil jika Ai tidak menyayangi Papa sebesar Papa menyayangi Ai.

Maafin Ai, karena terkadang tidak memahami kesulitan dan kerja keras yang sudah Papa lalui untuk mempersiapkan masa depan Ai. Terima kasih Pa, karena telah menjadi teladan yang baik, menjadi motivasi bagi Ai untuk tidak mudah menyerah, dan untuk tetap memberi arahan walau sering pula Ai abaikan. Selamat hari Ayah, Pa. Papa mungkin bukan Papa terhebat di dunia, bukan Papa terideal bagi setiap anak di dunia. Tapi, Papa adalah Papa yang tepat bagi anak dengan karakter seperti Ai. Terima kasih Pa, tetap sabar menghadapi Ai dan Mama ya Pa. Tunggu saja, sebentar lagi Ai pasti jadi orang sukses dan memberikan hidup yang lebih nyaman bagi Papa dan Mama.

Minggu, 06 Juli 2014

Today's Sacrifice

Hi, Here I am again, with a brand new story for you to read.
So I will tell you about my 1st experience visiting one of the most eagerly awaited annual event of Jakarta, Pekan Raya Jakarta (PRJ). Well then, I know I don't like emm, or exactly I almost hate the crowd, really I feel like I am gonna lost consciousness and hard to breathe when I am in the middle of the crowd, and that is what I mindful chosen activity today, visiting the last day of the big annual event of Indonesia's capital city. And... as expected, of course it's gonna be soooooooooooo crowded. I went there with 3 friends of mine (Jesica, Ney, and Sarah) they are my room neighbor in the house I live in for 1,5 month in Jakarta. 
So, I feel like I got a new learning how to shop with the girls, well I know, I barely never go to a place, whether it's mall or market to do a window shopping, I shop what I really need, and this is the truth of myself that unfortunately really not match with most of the girls....... but then, I know, we can't force people to understand us, we have to understand and try to adapt with it, as a nature of most girls have, I should have tried to. I have experienced doing a late night shopping with my best friend Devita, her Mom and her aunty, and it feels like my leg gonna broken off, and my head is so dizzy looking what they do and asking the same question over and over like "Is it cute?", "Is it good?" and I just say hmm nice, good, this looks better, your skin suits with this. like a million times. That is not mean that I am not honest, I am honest because girls look beautiful with those passionate eyes of shopping and adoring something to buy, so because they look happy, I think they're good with those stuff. hehe. I know I am not a good consultant of fashion. but I always try my best to give a comment. And that is what the same thing I do today..... Helping find out the girls of the shoe pair with the same size because it's mixed with others in the discount box and almost all the girls there seemed desperate to find the matches hahahaha, except me. 
I know it's a pity to not shop a lot in this event because the branded things are being discounted and there is an admission to enter the fair, Rp 30.000,00 for exact. But still, I love my money more than my whims.
The 1st rule to hang out with this three girls is...... make up. you know when I almost done preparing myself to go, they have already seems beautiful with the make up, and I like an elementary students asked, where do we go? why everyone dress up and make up well, so then our great make up artist, Jessica lend a hand to do a magic with my face. I am not saying I was looked more beautiful, but I was really looked different from usual, whether I don't know better or worse, but I love my eyes so much, with the great eyeliner she painted on cover of my eyes, thanks a lot dear !

then so, I really feel exhausted now, and a bit sorry why didn't I shop more, lol my woman nature is coming late. the most things that make me in a grieve today is the Rp 30.000,00 awful chicken noodle, I didn't even eat quarter of the portion, what a waste (I am on my period, so I didn't fast today :p).
but no matter how exhausted I am today, I am thankful to have you all around, thanks for willing to invite me shopping with you all. :) they really shop a lot of stuff !!! every one of them buy like more than three items in their shopping bag, and I went home with  a pair of shoes (Jesica's choice) and a tumbler with the 7 grade of quality, Arin says that this is the best plastic quality for a tumbler, as good as even better than Tupperware has and I got those two things only Rp 47.500,00 :))
our tickets
 Let the pictures tell you more ....

Jesica's magic
the girls : Ney, me, Jesica, and Sarah

happy with Sarah's new tongsis :)) aww yeah, there is Kak Jane too
wearing a hanbok

tasting the delicious fish(?) ice cream

while others busy shopping, I sat outside and took selfies

with Sarah in the foodcourt

in the foodcourt, my bad luck to choose a chicken noodle 
Jesica's choice

the 7 grade tumbler :p


It's not about where to go, but with whom you go along :)
Thanks for the tiring yet fun day girls :)